Sunday, October 12, 2008

Viral Marketing Examples - Definition of Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing Campaign

When we think of viruses, of course we are thinking of negative things. Viruses that cause colds come to mind, and viruses that damage our computer.

But when it comes to internet marketing and affiliate marketing, viral references are positively the best thing that comes to mind.

In a nut-shell, this is how viral marketing works. You give away a free product, such as an ebook. Inside your ebook is a link, or several links, to your website, to your affiliate links, or anywhere you stand to earn a few dollars.

Your ebook also comes with the right to give it away,or sell it, or use it as a bonus. Any means that you can think of that would get it from one persons hands into another. In theory, one person could give it to many people, who in turn, give it to many people and so on down the line. You hope that your ebook is in the hands of many hundreds of people. Each of whom is reading your book and hopefully clicking on your links.

There are many excellent examples of successful viral marketers: Sara Brown, Harvey Segal, Tony Sheppard, just to name a few.

The easiest way to begin your own viral marketing campaigns, especially if you have no idea how to create an ebook, or if you do not think of yourself as a very good writer, is to find an existing, rebrandable ebook. These are fairly easy to find with a simple internet search.

You can also visit this site for the single best one that I have ever seen.

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